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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I want my country back!!!

I want my country back!!! Where did it go in such a short period of time? It's like I took a nap and while I was asleep somebody stole it or sold it. Well this retired Navy Chief says my country is not for sale. I should know I'm one of the owners!!! I paid for it with my taxes and my own blood more than once. I didn't serve my country for twenty years from 1985 until 2005 just to watch it go down like a sinking ship!!! I'm going to do something about it. My voice will be heard. It's your choice if you listen or not. I'm new to blogging but I'm a very quick learner.
I want my country back not just for me but for my children my family, friends and all americans who believe in the principles upon which this country was founded. The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, Conservative Values and Oh dear I say it GOD!!! I'll leave you with that thought for today. It's my daughters 9th birthday today and I want it to be something special she will always remember. So for now take care of your family, friends and yourself because when it comes down to it that's what really is important. Why because The Chief said so!!!

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